• The reaction microscope (REMI) at SXFEL for AMO


    Endstation Description

    The reaction microscope (REMI) at the Shanghai soft x-ray free electron laser (SXFEL) for AMO science consists of a supersonic gas injection system, a spectrometer, and detectors with a data acquisition system. The pump-probe scheme will be provided with the synchronization of the external optical laser to the XFEL pulse. An Even-Lavie type high temperature pulsed valve will be implemented to further extend from gas sample to liquid or even biomolecules in solid states which is easily evaporated by heating. By measuring the time of flight and impact positions of ions and electrons on their corresponding detector, three-dimensional momentum vectors can be reconstructed in a coincidence manner. Momentum resolutions of ions and electrons with 0.11 a.u. can be achieved.




    Seeding   branch

    SASE   branch

    Photon   Energy Range

    50-600   eV

    100-1000   eV

    Photon   Energy Resolution



    Focus   spot size (FWHM)

    <10x10   μm2 (EM)@ 400 eV

    <3x3   μm2 (KB)

    Pulse   Energy

    ~26   μJ@400 eV

    ~140   μJ@620 eV

    Photon   Pulse Duration

    ~50   fs

    ~120   fs

    Repetition   Rate

    1-50   Hz

    1-50   Hz


    Circular,   Horizontal


    Optical   Laser

    Normally   800 nm, and can be required with varying power, repetition rate, and pulse   duration

    Primary   Techniques

    — Multi-particle reaction   microscope

    — Optical pump / X-ray probe

    Momentum   range

    ~200   a.u. (ions)

    ~3.5   a.u. (electrons)

    Momentum   resolution

    1%   (ions)

    1%   (electrons)


    Gaseous   phase atoms and small molecules, atomic clusters;


    AMO International Advisory Panel [15]

    Prof. Dajun Ding (Jilin Univ., China)  dajund@jlu.edu.cn

    Prof. Kiyoshi Ueda (Tohoku Univ., Japan)  kiyoshi.ueda@tohoku.ac.jp

    Prof. James Cryan (PULSE Institute, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA)  jcryan@slac.stanford.edu

    Prof. Jon Marangos (Imperial College London, UK)  j.marangos@imperial.ac.uk

    Prof. Christoph Bostedt (Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI); Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland)  christoph.bostedt@psi.ch

    Prof. Hans Jakob Wörner (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)  hansjakob.woerner@phys.chem.ethz.ch

    Prof. Michael Meyer (EuXFEL, Germany)  michael.meyer@xfel.eu

    Prof. Till Jahnke (EuXFEL; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany)  jahnke@atom.uni-frankfurt.de

    Prof. Sang-kil Son (The Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL), Germany)  sangkil.son@cfel.de

    Prof. Carlo Callegari (FERMI, Italy)  carlo.callegari@elettra.eu

    Prof. Jan-Erik Rubensson (Uppsala University, Sweden)  jan-erik.rubensson@physics.uu.se

    Prof. Maria-Novella Piancastelli (Sorbonne Université, France; Uppsala University, Sweden)  maria-novella.piancastelli@physics.uu.se

    Prof. Philippe Wernet (Uppsala University, Sweden)  philippe.wernet@physics.uu.se

    Prof. Fernando Martín García (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)  fernando.martin@uam.es

    Prof. Ken-ichi Ishikawa (Univ. Tokyo, Japan)  ishiken@n.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp


    COLTRIMS Instrument Team

    Yuhai Jiang


    Xincheng Wang




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